I would like to address men who have landed on this page.
Have you noticed the lady in your life shying away from your sexual advances recently?
And maybe you assume she has lost feelings for you or has found a substitute, but her avoidance may be due to unexpected changes in her body. Ask, if she is experiencing Hot flashes and night sweats.
Guys, not enough foreplay may mean, you could be rushing before she is ready. Also, be aware Estrogen levels can drop because of: Childbirth and breastfeeding.
Now, to speak to the ladies who may be checking out this product due to request or just have a change in physical desire you would like to recover.
First let me start by saying we at Live Natural are not Doctors. All information you read on this page comes from hours of research into the causes of Vaginal dryness and low libido.
Those emotional and physical changes you are experiencing may be due to a drop in estrogen levels due to allergy and cold medications, certain antidepressants, douching, or not enough foreplay before sex, causing vaginal dryness.
Eve's Alpha 8 assists in aiding normal issues causing vaginal dryness like low estrogen levels from the aforementioned.
Also, dryness may occur due to cocaine use, alcohol abuse or normal family background issues.
A drop in estrogen levels reduces the amount of moisture available.
Feminine dryness can happen at any age from various causes. Genetic defects, a family history of hormone imbalances, or certain diseases can cause estrogen levels to drop. This can also increase the risk of obesity, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease.
Normally, the walls of the vagina stay lubricated with a thin layer of clear fluid. The hormone estrogen helps maintain that fluid and keeps the lining of the vagina healthy, thick, and elastic.
Feminine dryness is a common symptom of menopause and close to one out of every three women deal with it while going through "this change." Feminine dryness becomes even more common after the change. Loss of estrogen during menopause can increase inflammation in the body and cause muscle and joint aches.
Menopause and weight gain can be a factor for many women. Decreased estrogen can cause weight gain around the abdomen, hips, and thighs.
Menopause can start an emotional rollercoaster of Irritability, anxiety, sadness, and fatigue.
This change can also make the vagina thinner and less elastic. The medical term is vaginal atrophy, and this can cause sex to be very unpleasant and painful.
No matter what the cause, Feminine dryness can be extremely uncomfortable. It can lead to itching, burning, and painful intercourse.
Live naturals new product Eve's Alpha 8, formulated exclusively for women, may restore moisture, bringing back comfortable intercourse and renew youthful feeling.
Eve's Alpha 8 may: significantly boost sexual desire-libido, improve natural lubrication and reduction in vaginal dryness, intensify pleasure and orgasms, reported to assist in (multiple orgasms), facilitate blood flow and engorgement of the clitoris, improve stamina and endurance, increase arousal, and reduces time to climax. Use it before sexual activity as needed. Fast acting, after 15 days of use as directed, should be effective in (1) hour.
Especially important to be aware of:
Other serious issues you never thought could make changes in your body and sex drive.? Radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer. Surgical removal of the ovaries, and anti-estrogen medications used to treat uterine fibroids or endometriosis.
Sjogren's syndrome, an autoimmune disorder that attacks cells in the body that produce moisture, the body’s white blood cells, which fight infection, attack the glands that produce moisture and may also affect other parts of the body.
If you feel that is the case, then see a doctor immediately. We at live Natural
do not encourage the use of supplements for life threatening issues.
Try Eve's Alpha8, it comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. And if you are not happy with Eve's Alpha8 share your thoughts with feedback. If you are satisfied with the product, please let us know.
If you give us permission to use your feedback, we only print your first name and State of residence. Example: Ruth- Chicago, Ill