There are a few common afflictions men should be aware of and get medical advice or attention if they persist. Some issues you may have for a lifetime and may not affect your everyday life.
Other issues may require professional attention.
*Priapism-A prolonged and unwanted erection of the penis that occurs without sexual stimulation. This causes penile pain, rigid penile shaft, and erection that last for more than 4 hours without sexual stimulation.
Urgent medical attention recommended
Treatable by a medical professional
Can last several weeks or months
*Peyronie's disease-A condition characterized by painful erection and a curved penis caused by a fibrous scar tissue.
Common for ages 55 and older
Treatable by a medical professional
Can last several years or be lifelong
Sexual dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction is difficulty experienced by an individual or partners during any stage of normal sexual activity, including physical pleasure, desire, preference, arousal, or orgasm. The World Health Organization defines sexual dysfunction as a "person's inability to participate in a sexual relationship as they would wish". This definition is broad and is subject to many interpretations
*Erectile dysfunction-The inability of men to get and maintain the penis erect throughout the sexual activity.
Erectile dysfunction occurs when the blood flow to the penis is decreased or the muscles of the penis do not relax. This could be the result of an underlying physical or psychological condition, or both
Physical conditions:
Trauma or injury to the penis or spinal cord
Diseases of the penis
Diseases of the heart or blood vessel atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Metabolic syndrome – a condition of having High blood pressure, High insulin and cholesterol levels
Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis
Certain medications like antidepressants, antihistamines
Tobacco and alcohol use
Sleep disorders
Treatments for organs in pelvic area
Psychological conditions: